Monday, May 13, 2019

book week 2019

last week It was book  week and we had to dress up and I  was   little red riding hood because I  couldn't find any one else.

My favourite Activity was finding the Golden ticket , watching  the witch and the wardrobe, dressing up

next year I want to be Cindy loo who.

 I found  finding the golden ticket hard because Mrs Costello wouldn't tell us.

next year I want to do the golden ticket again.                                       

Image result for little red riding hood story

Friday, May 10, 2019

mintie challenge

Walt: use a rule to measure to the millmeter.
 the mintie challenge was hard because the ripper kept on ripping and you can't use glue, tape,scissors

the mintie challenge was easy because mine did't rip.

next time i need to work on working together.